a podcast series with Ben Jack + Lizzie Burke

Exploring Evangelism Myths YouVersion Bible Study is out now!


What do you feel when you hear the word ‘evangelism’

If you’re anything like us, you feel a mix of emotions. We get it.

If you’re a pastor, you may feel like evangelism is yet another thing to juggle.

If you go to church, it’s common to feel insecure—what if a conversation gets tense? Maybe you haven’t talked openly about Jesus in years.

In our new podcast series Exploring Evangelism Myths we discuss five myths that hold people back from sharing the Gospel with those around them.

Do you want to see evangelism with fresh eyes?

5 Myths Explored

In 2019, Barna reported 47% of millennials think evangelism is wrong. What’s behind the stat?

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Leave evangelism to the professionals—or at least to those who enjoy talking to strangers.

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Why does evangelism feel so hard for many of us?

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Our stories about evangelism usually focus on a moment of conversion. What if we also shared about the many conversations that lead up to this moment?

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Transformed lives are what the Church is about—so why don’t Church gatherings feature more celebration of evangelistic fruit?

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the co-hosts

Lizzie Burke is the former Director of the City Gospel Movements team at the Luis Palau Association. In her time with LPA, she led research projects on evangelism in cities and developed modern evangelism resources. Lizzie is a Portland, Oregon native. She studied Pastoral Ministry and Bible & Theology at Multnomah University.

Ben Jack is the global head of Advance, based at The Message Trust in Manchester, England. Ben travels the world to proclaim the gospel as well as encourage and equip others to do likewise. He is the author of My Lord and My God and The Simple Gospel and has been known to produce music and tour as DJ Galactus Jack.


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Palau (based in the USA) and The Message Trust (based in the UK) are passionate about people knowing Jesus. 

Each organization runs its own podcast. City Gospel Movements (from Palau) and Advance (from the Message). Exploring Evangelism Myths is our collaborative podcast series.


Don’t miss a single episode.
