Myth: Evangelism is regularly celebrated in churches.
You are busy! And sometimes—okay, oftentimes—you are so busy going from one thing to the next, that you might feel a little bit rushed and forgetful.
And we don’t know about you, but when you forget good memories, days feel more like a grind and life is less inspiring.
The same goes for church. Sometimes we’re so caught up in the rhythm of welcome, worship songs, announcements, sermon, maybe communion, more songs, and goodbyes. Have we forgotten all the amazing things God did during the week?? Like when you prayed for your barista on Monday; or when your friend from high school DMed you to reconnect and wants to talk about faith and life’s purpose; or when you had dinner with your brother and got to share with him about the peace you have because of Jesus.
These are TESTIMONIES—stories of God using His people to reveal Himself to those who don’t yet know Him. They INSPIRE us to share the gospel more often AND remind us we CAN do this—there are opportunities in our life each day.
I (Ben) have said that if worship songs had to be replaced by another form of worship in church, I would fill that time with people sharing current testimonies of people sharing their faith and coming to faith…