Have you ever said this to yourself…
“I don’t struggle with comparison.”
We definitely haven’t! Here’s the thing, we all struggle with sizing ourselves up against others. She makes more money than I do. He made a better first impression. That family is happier than ours.
We even compare ourselves when it comes to our faith. Oh yeah! We just went there. He’s better at praying than I am. She’s more disciplined in reading her Bible every morning. This comparison oozes into evangelism too…
…he’s better at sharing the gospel than I am—he’s a pastor after all.
…she’s an extrovert. Talking to strangers about Jesus comes naturally for her, but not for me.
We asked believers to describe the people who are best at evangelism. Two responses came up over and over again: pastors and extroverts.
The only problem with this belief is: IT’S NOT TRUE.
Let’s talk about it in Exploring Evangelism Myths, Episode 2: Evangelism is best done by pastors and extroverts.